Saturday, January 31, 2009

Theory of Labor Value

I read Capital Volume 1 Chapter 1. I'm puzzling over it.

We start with commodities. Commodities have use value and exchange value. Use value comes from desire. Exchange value is the value that a commodity has in the market place. It must always be an equal exchange. What makes them equal and exchangeable? It is because they have value. What is value? Socially necessary labor time. If its on the market, then it is a product of human labor. What else do they have in common? They have use value, but that alone does not make an object something in need of exchange. Air has a use value. If a thing is useless, then the labor counts for nothing. Price lowering can be seen as a way to make the labor count for more, that is, to make it have a use value to people. Price is always affected by labor. Use affects it only in relation to labor.

I think....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Goodbye Dubya!

So I watched George W. Bush's farewell speech. I didn't go into it expecting a sorry. I mean that's simply unrealistic. But I was hoping for him to be more forward, to stop hiding behind "I made tough decisions". I wanted a deep refection and overview of his presidency from his perspective. But he avoided all honesty and instead tried vainly to repair his legacy. But in a way its fitting he left us as he treated us. Without respect for the people but for the ideal of the Nation. The neocon "spread democracy" dogma was on full display. The absolutes of Good and Evil were mentioned. I didn't want a apology, I wanted an Apology in the Socratic way. I wanted explanation, but this dishonest (in the sense that it is unconnected with reality, not that he is actually lying) was what I got. It has been the tone the entire presidency. Dishonest. And yet I have grown so used to thinking of him as president. If it weren't for this man, I would not be a socialist or even care about politics. He has affected us all because he matters, because he was produced by an ideology, because he was there at 9/11, because he has been president for Eight long years. Remember when Clinton was President? Neither do I. Goodbye Dubya. I'll miss you for some reason.
"I hope you leave here and walk out and say, 'What did he say?'"- George W. Bush

Oh and he coined the term "the internets"- awesome.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


EDIT:Removed by author

Monday, January 12, 2009

Have You Ever Danced with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight?

I have been writing something recently. I don't quite know what it is. It takes place in a city engulfed in fog. The main character is an ex-fisherman wandering around in a hazy unclear world, unsure of his own motives as well as others. I'm not sure where I should send him next: To the mine or to the factory? The saying "Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?" feels like a good way to describe this story.

On to other matters, I posted something on a political forum. These people are smarter than me, I'm not sure I'll be able to respond. I need time to regroup. I hate not having anything to contribute, yet whenever I open my mouth I sound stupid to all. I question my right to even bother thinking in these instances. Only good opinions are worth expressing. The problem is that everyone needs an opinion and yet nobody is an expert. 

Is it bad that I judge my worth as a person according to wether or not I can make a valid point about anything?

Religiously I am now a Hellenic Pagan. I might talk about that here sometime. Heidegger paper on formal indication is going rough.